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Last Post: 12:27:01am, 10/29/2021
11. Far Cry 2 (Xbox 360, 2008)

I had been aware of this series for some time, but I didnt take the plunge until 2009, and that was only when Far Cry 2 was Amazons Video Game Deal of the Day for I want to say $15 when I was in college. Back then, I would often play a game right after buying it, so I remember beginning it in my dorm room. This was to my recollection the first open-world FPS that I played, and I was in awe.

Wildlife wasnt the dangerous menace that later entries had (not that it stopped zebras and gazelles from messing up my rides by running directly in my path at the worst possible time), but this was arguably the most dangerous Far Cry game that Ive played. Being in landlocked Africa, there wasnt much in the way of hiding places or easy routes to escape attackers, and if you met up with nearly anyone outside of specific places, they were not friendly, and they were often in groups. With neat mechanics that later games dropped like gun-jamming and weapon rusting, Far Cry 2 almost felt like it was doubling as a survival game of sorts.

While not a narratively-heavy game, and I honestly cant remember too much of the plot more than a decade later, they had a unique initial set-up and linking system that ultimately allowed me to craft a much more personal story in my mind. Instead of being in the shoes of a specific player, creating your own character, or choosing a male/female version of the same character, you can choose one of about a dozen characters, all with their own personalities and backstories as your character. While the attributes of your chosen character wont come into play, they will for the remaining characters that you didnt choose when they become what the game calls buddies and feature prominently in the game. You can save them, they can save you, and they will all have personal missions that you can choose to do throughout your time in the game. You can strengthen your relationship with your buddies to the point of having a best and second-best buddy, which affects side missions and who is your savior when on the brink of death. Its more novel than tangibly impactful, but I was absorbed in it all the same.

How this played out for me was like it was straight out of a movie. One of my best buddies was a Hungarian/Israeli named Paul, and during a situation late in the game (Im not sure if this was a story mission or just out and about in the world), I got into some heavy shit, and just when I thought it was over for me, Paul came to my rescue and we returned fire to our assailants, ultimately emerging victorious after a hard-fought battle. I thought it was all over until bullets came out from nowhere and instantly killed Paul. That was when I learned that buddies could die, and they didnt come back. It wasnt long after this that I was in the final stretch of story missions, and lets just say that the timing, way, and simply fact that Paul died gave the end-game a higher meaning to me.

Some time in the past decade, I did a project about my Top 100 moments in gaming. It was slightly ridiculed for including things such as Louie Anderson dancing in a Family Feud game (that might have been my #2) and basic things that gave me a great sense of wonder like jumping through a painting for the first time in Super Mario 64 when I was six or seven. I bring this up because Far Cry 2 took home the top spot and it is one that is unscripted and might have been solely experienced by me.

I was just driving to my destination when I made a turn just as a jeep full of enemies was right around the curve. Knowing it was best to just get out and take care of them, we began a firefight, and as I was about to clean up the last guy, another jeep came upon the scene, and those enemies came out. This kept happening, and it was getting darker. Eventually, there were no natural light sources, so we had to go by where gunfire was coming from or throw molotovs to cause small wildfires. After a while, I got overwhelmed, and just as I was about to perish, my buddy Andre came in, helped me up while saying an encouraging line or two, and then we got to business taking everyone out. It was just pure chaos. I had no idea how many reinforcements came, but it was a lot. I didnt even hear any jeeps, so I was either too focused on who was immediately trying to kill me, or they arrived on foot. The darkness was constantly illuminated by gunfire, and I was chucking molotovs all over the place. After several minutes, the gunfire lessened and eventually subsided completely. It was faintly visible due to a wildfire that I started by becoming a mad arsonist, but I saw Andre nearby say a few words and go on his merry way. That was when I saw the wildfire make its way to a large tree and engulf it in flames. It was soon the only thing both on fire and discernible through the night sky. Now I have no plans to become an arsonist, but my god was that so hauntingly beautiful. It felt like only a few seconds, but the flames let up, and I was left alone in the pitch black night. I think about that entire sequence, especially the lone, giant tree on fire, fairly often.

I tried to recreate that moment seemingly dozens of times to no avail. Far Cry 2 was already a special game to me, but that just put it over the top for me.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
If you smell what the rock is cooking he's cooking crap - ertyu

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