A future where not being politically correct is criminal a utopia or dystopia?

Poll of the Day

adjl posted...
Zeus posted...
PC has never been about being nice.

Sure it has. People just inevitably take it to ridiculous, self-righteous extremes, which overshadows the more moderate aspects of it that often end up becoming quietly incorporated into common courtesy.

But it's not common courtesy. It's a group of outsiders deciding what they think is best for another group, often without that group's input and against their wishes. It's not a matter of being taken to ridiculous, self-righteous extremes because it's *rooted* in those extremes. Its spiritual ancestors were the wannabe-do-gooder missionaries who took their religion to backwards nations "to educate the poor noble savage" and, in most regards, the movement has less to do with any supposedly oppressed group than it has to do with the egos of their so-called "saviors." And, for the record, they've only made things worse. PC culture has brought back segregation and made the historical victims clamor for it. It's a matter of time before the PC cults demand separate drinking fountains.

Foppe posted...
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Someone already wrote that book. It was called 1984.

1984 got nothing to do with SJWs.

On some levels, it embodies the idea of fascism pretending to be manners.
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