This 14 y/o COCKY Blonde Kid tells the world to HIDE THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!!!

Poll of the Day

Were you already dating when you were 14 or younger?

14 y/o popular youtuber, Matthew Morris, aka MattyB from Georgia which he goes by as his RAPPER name has been mocked online for his tweet which said "Hide your girlfriend..i'm headed out for the day"!!

The blonde cocky teen is a Youtube star which he is known for his rap/pop music that leaves tween girls swooning for has boyfriends around the world taking his threat "seriously" and posted memes of it

It started when MattyB posted an image of himself standing outside his front door and confidently crossing his arms..

He came to fame when he was 7 years old and did a controversial cover of the Notorious B.I.G's "Juicy" and has amassed 8 million subs with 1 million on twitter.

Did you start dating girls/guys when you were 14 or younger? let's see what people will vote

MattyB - at 7 years old

MattyB - at 14 years old

Meme -
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