This 24 y/o Florida Girl is MOCKED for being a LIFEGUARD because she's FAT!!!

Poll of the Day

Would you trust Courtney as a lifeguard to save people in the water?

24 y/o Courtney Harrough from Orlando, Florida is MOCKED irl and online because she said people doubt her capabilities to be a lifeguard because she is PLUS SIZE!!

She got backlash after qualifying to be a lifeguard despite being a competitive swimmer AND water polo player throughout high school!

While training, she got one nasty encounter that struck a nerve with her and said "A woman my height, but 3 times smaller than me said I find it hard to believe you were an athletic swimmer. If you're a plus-size woman preesenting to a company, not just for an athletic-based career, you face a stigma that if you're fat, you're lazy"

But Courtney is far from that and admits she is uesd to proving people wrong when it comes to doing her job. She knows it's a physically demanding job and you need stamina and resilience to keep up.

Even when interviewed as a DEEP WATER LIFEGUARD, she was informed that prospective employers that it is "rigorous and can be tiring" and she answered with a resounding "I have no doubt i can rise to the occassion and swim with the best of them. My weight and height may cause some to think that i'd only be a pleasantly perched beached whale upon a lifeguard stand, but that isn't the case. My body is strong, sturdy AND Sex! I don't have smooth legs, or cut shoulders accented by tiny boobs like most of the girls in my class but i have courage and a spirit to try"

But after completing her training, she learned there was no lifeguarding uniforms in her size and was told "You don't look like a regular lifeguard, we're going to have to pull you from your job"

But Courtney maintains that "aesthetics" have nothing at all to do with her ability to do the job

She told them "If you knew you couldn't accomodate, you shouldn't have put me through this. And you're not going ot fire me, because that's discrimination. We're gonig to figure out how to get it done"

In the end, she made her OWN uniform and got on with her job...

She's encouraging other fat people not to let their size feel they can't follow their dreams as she tells them to be leaders of yourself and others as you can do more than you think you can because your body is your friend.

Would you trust Courtney as a lifeguard? let's see if people would

Courtney - Lifeguard
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