Who will win E3?

Poll of the Day

According to many GameFAQs users, MS could give everyone a few million dollars but Sony could start a genocide and still "win" E3... It's about actual merit to the same extent being an old timey European military officer was.

Nobody will know until all is revealed. In case it wasn't obvious, I am fucking tired of all the unwarranted blowing Sony gets. Mattrick was a screw-up and almost killed the Xbox, but what has Sony done since other than ride that wave and half-ass things most of the time or implement horrible policies like "buy it again" and "PS Now" instead of being even remotely willing to offer b/c (which only sucks because PS4 doesn't have it - you know if that were to be announced it would no longer be a useless feature)?! What frustrates me the most though is that every franchise Sony owns is become the same cinematic third-person action game with a new setting. They're all the fucking same, even God of War has fallen into this abyss of creative bankruptcy (I'm not saying Nintendo or MS are much better, but at least they make more than one genre). "First is the worst" is apparently the world the gaming industry is now living in, and it didn't start recently.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888