This New Jersey Mom posted her Son's $231,000 HOSPITAL BILL and BLASTS TRUMP!!!

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Ali Chandra from New Jersey published her 3 y/o son's heart surgery bill to plead with the Senate not to scrap one of the key parts of Obamacare..

Her son was born with congenital heart defect known as heterotaxy which means he's required to undergo multipe life saving surgeries which has since been covered by her health insurance thanks to Obamacare's ban on benefits caps.

But Trumpcare is planning to SCRAP it in favour of his own bill but it's not clear whether it will allow insurers to reinstate the ban meaning companies don't have to pay out after medical bills pass a certain ceiling limit!!

Chandra is a registered nurse and fears that if caps are allowed to return, her son's life could be at stake as she posted the staggering $231,115 healthcare bill for his open heart surgery and recovery in the cardiac intensive care unit..but thanks to her insurance, she was only liable for $500.

Ethan needed 4 heart surgeries and require more going forward as he takes regular visits to the cardiologist, immunology, pediatrician and electrophysiologist for his pacemaker as his temperature rises above 100.4F and needs sepsis workups

He needs 5 different medications a day and none of this would be possible without insurance and that his bills exceeded the 1 MILLION dollar mark.

She wrote "As long as we have Ethan with us, and i hope with everthing that it's forever, we will need to pay for expensive medical care. A lifetime cap on benefits is the same as saying, Sorry, you're not worth keeping alive anymore. You're just too expensive"

Jimmy Kimmel also made a plea after seeing the many parents who were in his son's condition when he needed an operation for his son's heart condition and pleaded to politicians not to do away with Obamacare. He said "If your baby is going to die, it shouldn't matter how much money you make"

Chandra is one of the thousands waiting on what will happen with the updated healthcare bill as she said the fear and anxiety is palpable right now as bills are on the rise...her family would have to move to Canada as her husband is Canadian and will uproot there despite Ethan's doctors being in America who all know him and how his heart works

Do you think healthcare should be funded by the public? let's see what people think.

Chandra's Bill -

Chandra and her family -
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