This New Jersey Mom posted her Son's $231,000 HOSPITAL BILL and BLASTS TRUMP!!!

Poll of the Day

Full Throttle posted...
Do you think healthcare should be funded by the Public?

No, of course not.

Umitencho posted...
The right have never been truly pro-life. Once you give birth, as far as they are concerned, you and the child are now a burden unless said child is heir to a massive fortune or historical legacy.

Which literally has nothing to do with pro-life. Pro-life means nothing more than not murdering people. It doesn't mean that the state becomes the child's nanny, parent, etc.

TheCyborgNinja posted...
You have two choices: nationalism or individualism.

Nobody can call themselves a "patriot" or a participant of their nation and have it be true without understanding the need to strengthen the entire country. If the weakest link in the chain is only marginally weaker than the rest, you have the foundation upon which to build something great. The greater good is what matters most, and it is the responsibility of the strong to assimilate and bolster the others, culturally/socially, economically, and so on.

That's not what patriotism entails.
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