What percentage of your gaming library have you played?

Poll of the Day

What percentage of your gaming library have you played?

With Steam Summer Sales, PSN sales, GOG sales, etc all in full swing, I'm curious as to how much of everyone's gaming library has actually been played. By "played", I'm referring to from beginning to end. If a game is solely multiplayer or currently Beta or Alpha stage, then you can count this game. DLC, expansion packs, add-ons, etc all count as part of the original game.

As of today, I've played 17.41% of my gaming library.

I've played 22 of the 200 games I have on Steam.
I've played 2 of the 20 games I have on GOG.
I've played 1 of the 3 games I have on PSN.
I've played 2 of the 2 games I have on Origin.
I've played 1 of the 1 game I have on Minecraft.net.
I've played 3 of the 9 PS4 games.
I've played 5 of the 6 PS3 games.
I've played 2 of the 5 PS2 games.
I've played 0 of the 1 Xbox One games.
I've played 1 of the 2 Switch games.
I've played 0 of the 6 3DS games.
I've played 0 of the 1 DS games.
I've played 1 of the 2 Gameboy Advance games.
I've played 2 of the 3 Gameboy Color games.
I've played 1 of the 1 Gameboy games.