Have you attended/do you plan to attend your high school reunion?

Poll of the Day

I went to the five year one, they never did a 10 year one, and I had conflicts so I couldn't go to the 15 year one last year (sucked because it was like two blocks away from where I live now, but oh well). They did have an informal BBQ at a local park the next day so I did stop by that on my lunch break from work, so I guess I kind of technically went.

But yeah, not something I'd try to avoid or anything, although really I'm in contact with everyone I want to be from then anyway, but I don't have any animosity towards others and it's nice to see them every 5-10 years, lol. Plus these days even the people I am in contact with, its hard to get all of us together at once so if all or most of us can make it to a reunion, it's cool.