19 y/o Black Girl in SEGREGATED MISSISSIPPI Town get VILE RACIST Messages!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think segregation still exists in modern society?

A Black Family that is suing to get their daughter recognized as the sole valedictorian of her historically white high school have been the target of vile racist hate messages on the JusticeForJasmine Facebook page!!

They are suing the district of Delta in Cleveland, Mississippi, who say their daughter was forced to share the school's top honour with a white girl despite earning the honour outright!!

But since this went viral, Jasmine and Sherry Shepherd are now the target of hat as one post by Jacob Francis said "You n-word and your self-entitled actions make me sick! You shouldn't even be at the same school as white people!!. Black Lives don't mean s***"

19 y/o Jasmine responded with "Throughout my life, my parents shielded me from such behaviour...but now i see that i will have to face this head on. You can send me these types of messages but those sentiments will not be returned"

But it kept coming as another man from CANADA, David St Clair said "You're simply butthurt that another student is white and you feel like you deserve special attention simply based on the colour of your skin"

Stephen Bearden said Sherry was a "thieving racist" and that she should "Feel Free to Leave Mississippi and live in Iraq or Syria"

Eric Rowe said "Stop playing the I"M BLACK SO I"M SPECIAL card and put on your grown-up pants"

Jasmine and Heather Bouse was the student named to be co-valedictorian at Cleveland High School in 2016 who the district said had "identical grades"

But Jasmine took more AP classes and the district's own rules meant she should have won the title outright and the school has never had co-valedictorian's before nor has a black student ever been awarded the honour in the 110 year history

Last year Jasmine had to share co-valedictorian with Heather who Jasmine called "the sweetest thing" but objected to walk alongside her. Heather said "We're more progressive than most people see we are. We get along much better than they think we do"

The Principal, Steven Craddock and Jacquelyn Thigpen were named in the lawsuit and said that the school was race-based "neutral'

The population of less than 13,000 has had 2 high schools which was historically white but in recent years it's split 50/50..

Cleveland was the LAST of the 43 schools to comply to federal DESEGREGATION order but many feel that white parents now pull their children from the new public high school because their children will be only about 1/3 of the total students said Rev. Ed Duvall who supports the Shepherds

Ed said it matters that the district needs to be exposed for the evil it has perpetrated on the black population and fears that if white parents pull their children from the school, spending on public education will be cut because taxpayers won't support what they will see as education just for African Americans in the segregated town

Heather's family and the white people in town have nothing to say on the matter as some think the Shepherds are dragging up the past that they want to "move past"

But Isaac Shorter, a former black panther says it's important Jasmine is recognized so that black students have something to aim for and not feel minimized.

Do you think Segregation still exists today in modern society?

Jasmine and Heather - Unhappy Camper



Racist Message -


Steve - Principal


White Houses -


Black Houses -

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