Liberal Teacher who was FIRED for PUNCHING a Trump Supporter is REINSTATED!!!

Poll of the Day

Are you against this reinstatement?

California State Universiy Teacher, Eric Canin was previously suspended and then fired over a scuffle with pro-Trump student demonstrators and has now been RE-HIRED after an arbitration decision though the school still said he acted improperly.

The anthropology teacher appealed the decision after the College of Republicans accused him of striking one of them during a February demonstration and though Canin admitted that the confrontation got heated, he denied hitting one of them.

Canin said the school needs to protect faculty from "these unfair assaults on our freedom to teach and our students right to learn. Teaching my students, opening their minds and helping them succeed is what i love doing most. Now more than ever we are teaching in a time of fear. This must change".

The arbitrator concluded that he acted improperly and deserved a 2 month suspension but not a termination as they support free and open exchange of ideas but it's unacceptable to respond with violence.

Canin will also need to reimburse the school for 2 months compensation.

Christopher Boyle of the loud mouth College of Republicans said his group is disappointed and will CHALLENGE that reinstatement as they consider it unjust and not a closed case as far as they're concerned.

Are you against this reinstatement?

Canin - Winner
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