Have you ever had to deal with unwanted affections?

Poll of the Day

Lirishae posted...
Luck plays a huge part in being successful at the dating game :/ It's not that people aren't attractive or don't have great things to offer someone, it's just being lucky enough to meet someone who has what you want and wants what you have. There are things you can do to help your chances, like improving yourself and knowing your dealbreakers, but that's still not a guarantee. Plenty of awesome people are single and many of them are even happier that way. Mass media has trained people to think that you need a relationship to be happy, but you don't. It should be icing on the cake of your life, rather. And if you (general you) think a significant other will solve all your problems for you, you definitely shouldn't be looking for a relationship. If you can't handle your own problems by yourself, you sure as hell won't be able to handle someone else's problems on top of yours.

You're not wrong. There are many variables at work, but luck is one of them.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888