Rich for the rest of your life but stuck working 40 hours until death

Poll of the Day

Define work?

IS it just making money at all? You could technically work from home, and sell one item worth $1 an hour to qualify.

Can you take any job at all? You don't care about money, so you could hang out at bars and give directions and welcome people for $1 an hour, do that 6 hours a day, and you have a 40 hour a week job. Want a week off? Just do 40 hours in the start of the first week (13 hours a day 4 3 day, and 40 hours in the last 3 days of the second week, that gives you 8 days to travel etc.).

So yeah depending on the definition of work, you could pretty much still do just about anything. There are jobs you can do taking pictures or traveling to exotic locations etc. You could get paid to take trips to paradise islands etc.

You could always have backup jobs that you can do (possibly from anywhere with the internet), in case one of your plans falls through, but heck, you could freaking HIRE someone to spend 80 hours a week searching for easy jobs for you (or jobs that you would enjoy/want to do). You could actually just hire like 5 people to spend 40 hours a week looking for jobs, or setting up jobs for you etc, you would have the money for it.

Not to mention themoney to make any job you actually get super easy as well. Nothing says you can't hire someone to help you with your job hehe.

So yeah, I'd take it.
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