This 45 y/o New York Man gets 2 YEARS for gruesomely BEHEADING A CAT!!!

Poll of the Day

Full Throttle posted...
Do you think animal cruelty deaths should get the same sentences as human murders?

No, but they should still get reasonable sentences. Given that he owned the cat, 2 years is fair. If it was somebody else's cat murdered in such a way, I'd want to see 4 or 5 years.

VeeVees posted...
If the animal is rarer than human then the criminal should be punished harsher.

Oh, this.

JTekashiro posted...
No, animals are property under the law and that is how they should remain. I mean, we are a society that lives off eating animals so it would be a little absurd to consider them our equals. Life is nice at the top of the food chain.

Unfortunately, we don't believe in absolute control over property. Zoning laws are a thing, CPS is a thing, and animal cruelty laws are a thing. Even slaughterhouses have to obey certain animal cruelty laws.
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