This 22 y/o Blonde Girl got DEATH THREATS cause she Kissed a Black Man!!!

Poll of the Day

While there are obviously exceptions to this rule, I'm just not usually attracted to people that aren't European or East Asian (as in Japan, China, or Korea). I'm not opposed to mixing in any way though. The heart wants what it wants, so give into it and be happy (and let others do the same). I know people that share similar sentiments regarding who they find attractive, but it has nothing to do with racism. Elements of my family have twinges of prejudice (today, but it was full-blown a few generations back). I have separate sets of cousins that are half-Indian and half-Jamaican and nobody is seemingly bothered by this on any level.

It was pretty bad though. My granddad's family hated Catholics (they were Orangemen from Northern Ireland who originally settled there centuries ago to help oppress the Catholics for the British crown) and they literally only whispered the word "Catholic" in the house. It was considered obscene... My grandma would've been raised Catholic, but her mom died of TB in her twenties and her dad raised the kids Protestant, which was literally a make or break event for my mom and I to even exist. It's really stupid when you think about it like that. I know that's not race-based, but it's no different on paper. I just mention it to point out how flawed the general logic supporting this line of thinking is. They'd have loved each other anyway.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888