This was the 32 y/o Girl MURDERED by a 20 y/o REPUBLICAN Kid in Virginia!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you think this was a 1st degree or 2nd degree murder?

32 y/o Heather Heyer was the girl mowed down and killed by 20 y/o Republican White Supremacist, James Alex Fields Jr from Maumee, Ohio

Heather was protesting at the rally in Charlottesville when James sped his car into the counter protest crowd against the Alt-Right rally

James has now been charged with second degree murder as Democrats AND Republicans, including Ted Cruz said there should be federal hate crime charges against him and have slammed Trump for not denouncing this as a domestic terrorism hate crime event

Heather's mother was heartbroken over the news and wrote "She died doign what was right. My heart is borken, but i am forever proud of her". Thousands have labelled heather a Hero for standing up to racism

She was a paralegal with the Miller Law Group PC in Virginia as she was passionate on social justice..her final FB post said "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention"

She was also a stringent Bernie Sanders supporter

Candlelit vigils will be held around the country for Heather and the 19 people injured in the attack

Video of the event shows a Dodge Challenger speeding down a street with people jumping out of the way and hitting the crowds. The tinted car then backed up trying to get away before he was finally taken down

The violent clashes between KKK groups and anti-fascist groups caused a State of Emergency in the state as the Governer told the racists to leave the state

Pictures are also emerging showing James marching with a racist right-wing group Vanguard America who opposes multiculturism and believes America is ane exclusively white country.

The racists were protesting over the removal of the statue Robert E Lee and demand their "heritage" be brought back to the state.

James Mother, Samantha Bloom allegedly said her son was attending a rally for Trump and not for white supremacists as she said she doesn't get involved with her son's politics and truly believed he was only protesting and not to cause harm.

Samantha said "I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump's not a white nationalist....."

James sent a text to her that night to say he dropped off the cat at her apartment to go to the alt-right rally and when she returned home from dinner, she learned her son had been a murderer..

Do you think this was a 1st or 2nd degree murder?.

Heather - Deceased

James - Racist Killer

His ugly car -
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