WH gets 200,000+ Signatures demanding ANTIFA declared a TERRORIST group!!!

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Do you think Antifa is a "terrorist" group?

A Petition has circulated to the Racist White House and has asked Trump to declare Antifa a TERRORIST group and it has 200,000+ Signatures since it started on Thursday!!

The petition, hosted on the White House's "We the People" sub-site said the decentralized group of anti-fascist activities meets the criteria for "terrorism" because it "uses violence and intimidation in pursuit of political arms". It said "It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Antifa a terror group, on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality and safety"

According to the rules, any petition that gathers more than 100,000 signatures in 30 days is due a response by the White House.

It gives no evidence for either claim, including the remark about influencing killing of police officers.

Anti-fascism as a movement has been around for a century but reached it's prominence since the violence in Charlottesville

Trump has come under fire for quavering about condemning white supremacists and neo-nazis and equate them to anti-fascist groups

If it does get declared as a terrorist organization, it will come as a surprise since they do not fit traditional terrorist models

Federal law says terorrism as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups"

While Antifa has engaged in violence, they do not have a single controlling body or unifying political mission, unlike ISIS or Al-Qaeda

Instead, they form of independent, politically diveerse groups, though typically left of the spectrum

Liberal commentators have denounced antifa violence for legitimizing retaliatory violent action from the right

Not every petition that reached 100,00 signatures get responses by the white house however as one, such as demand to see Trump's investments be divested or put in a blind trust has not been responded to despite getting 353,496 signatures.

Do you think Antifa is a "terrorist" group?

Antifa -



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