Do you have tinnitus?

Poll of the Day

Playsaver posted...
Yes. I don't get it all the time, but it is a lot. I've also started getting Visual Migraines recently. It was very close to this video I found on youtube. I had it happen twice the other day.

I've had this on two separate occasions. I assumed they were migraines but wasn't sure, but now I know, thanks.

it was basically that exact shape, but it wasn't bright colors. it started at a point and radiated outwards slowly over time till eventually it was a big curve like that. the curve would drift slowly. it was really annoying when it crossed over the center point of my vision, since then I couldn't read for a few minutes.

the zigzag pattern was more like composed of little triangles which had their image data flipped. it's a little unnerving because you don't normally think of your vision as a computer or a hardware device like a monitor, but it seems exactly like having a hardware problem.