Do you have tinnitus?

Poll of the Day

I might hear a very soft "eee" sound when it's completely quiet around me.

However, for about nine months now, my right ear has been "sensitive" to certain clicking noises that seem to appear mainly as video game sound effects. They don't hurt my ear, but they make it "twitch" on the inside, if that makes sense. Some techno music sounds also cause this, as can flipping through papers and clicking a mouse---but thankfully the paper-flipping and mouse-clicking cause it only rarely. I basically haven't been playing video games as much as I want to; I can play them with the sound off, but that's not much fun.

Does anybody else have this problem? I told my doctor about it when I went for a checkup in the spring, and he said I have no ear infection and no punctures in my eardrum. So that's good, at least.