Which is the side and which is the main food

Poll of the Day

MasterGakke posted...
Both are sides. If you have them both together and nothing else, then they're the main course.

I'd argue this. It's why you order bacon AND eggs, not eggs with bacon or bacon with eggs.

There is no universal principle that something is a side and must always be so. Presentation plays a role in whether or not something is a side or a main (or an appetizer, or a desert, etc).

As some people have mentioned toast, I'd say the same applies there. Someone can easily eat toast as their main (or only) meal, especially if they eat it with butter/jam/cinnamon and sugar/etc, or toast can be a side to a more substantial meal. Toast doesn't have an inherent objective trait automatically making it one or the other universally.

KStateKing17 posted...
Eggs can be served as a main course (omelets). Bacon is always served as a side.

Yes, but if you're ignoring the presentation of the eggs to lump all egg dishes into the same classification (ie, there's no difference between omelets, scrambled eggs, or "sunny side up"), then in the same sense bacon is merely pork, and pork CAN be a main dish in multiple ways (whether ham or pork chops or whathaveyou).

And honestly, the idea that bacon = side is more of a modern trend anyway (just like the idea that bacon = breakfast is very much a modern idea).

darcandkharg31 posted...
Eggs are the meal, bacon is extra, you don't order bacon and hashbrowns, well you could, but you generally don't.

I've eaten both bacon and hashbrowns as my meal at least a few times. Then again, I never eat eggs period (except as part of other recipes, like in baking or breading, or making french toast).

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