PSA: A pre-order for Shadow of War is in the current Humble Bundle

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » PSA: A pre-order for Shadow of War is in the current Humble Bundle
More important PSA: If you read the fine print, there's a deduction of $60+tax from every payment that qualifies for that tier ($80 minimum) to pay for that pre-order, with your desired payment ratio being applied to the remainder. That means that even if you indicate that you want half of your $80 to go to charity, WB is still getting $60 (plus tax), and only $10 will actually go. Just in case their handling of this game wasn't bad enough already, Shadow of War now has the honour of being the first game in a Humble Bundle to not support charity at all. Whee...
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*gets it anyways*
depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
I had been interested in the game when it was announced, because Shadow of Mordor was awesome, but after all of the shenanigans, I don't think I'll ever be getting it in a manner that gives WB any money for it. Maybe if it shows up in a Humble Bundle a couple years from now and I can set that specific slider to 1 cent.
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what shenanigans though

like something like this should make you go "that's really shitty" but it shouldn't make you not want the game
depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
-Standard large array of collector's editions and season pass (pretty typical at this point, so not a huge impact, but still not exactly a positive thing)

-Loot boxes for orcs, with the typical free-to-play dual currency system (free currency that can maybe buy a little bit eventually vs. the paid currency that actually has buying power)

-One of the lead developers died to cancer last year, and the development team put together a nice little tribute to him (pretty much one character model), which WB has turned into $5 launch-day DLC. $3.50 of that is going to support the guy's family, but if you read the fine print on THAT, that's only true in 44/50 states, and not outside the US, which means WB's going to be enjoying that full profit from those other sales for themselves (and $1.50's already much more than is needed to cover the shop fees).

It was that last one that really tipped me over the edge into not buying it, with the loot box thing making me very skeptical. Maybe it'll still be good (though I can guarantee that the game will be balanced in a way that subtly encourages buying those loot boxes, because otherwise they wouldn't exist), but I'm not supporting that kind of behaviour. I've got enough other games to play that don't have the publisher profiting off of the development teams efforts to pay tribute to their dead colleague and friend.
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Eh waiting for the complete version in around a year anyway.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Wow that is messed up

Just when I thought they couldn't get any more greedy
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
If you pirate the game then no money goes to charity either.

My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
Veedrock- posted...
If you pirate the game then no money goes to charity either.


There's actually a donation page for the family, so if you wanted to support them you can do it through that.
Veedrock- posted...
If you pirate the game then no money goes to charity either.


Ah, but what if somebody pirates the game, then gives the game's cost to charity?
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That doesn't have anything to do with the game.
My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
It has as much to do with the game as you want it to.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
I think I might cancel my preorder and just buy the game once it becomes $10 for a GOTY.
Veedrock- posted...
That doesn't have anything to do with the game.

Sure it does. Publisher decisions and attitudes at the top trickle down to nearly all aspects of game design. Months ago this was my most anticipated game of the year, but after so many red flags I am waiting for reviews and likely waiting for a game of the year edition down the road.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Lil69Leo posted...
I think I might cancel my preorder and just buy the game once it becomes $10 for a GOTY.

With how much DLC I expect it to end up with, that might be the most sensible route regardless of any moral point one's trying to make. Even then, though, I still have my doubts about the whole loot box thing. You can still get orcs the normal way, and the loot boxes are ostensibly just a way to speed up that process, but I fully expect the game to be designed such that many players will find the normal way slow and frustrating enough to want to speed it up. As I've seen pointed out a couple of times, they're offering players the opportunity to spend money to spend less time playing the game, which doesn't exactly sound like they're confident in how enjoyable it'll be. But they're also unabashedly greedy here, so who knows how sensible they're being in that greed. Maybe the game's fine and the loot boxes are pointless. Only time will tell.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Mead posted...
Veedrock- posted...
That doesn't have anything to do with the game.

What? I'm talking about piracy and charity, what are you on about.
My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
Veedrock- posted...
Mead posted...
Veedrock- posted...
That doesn't have anything to do with the game.

What? I'm talking about piracy and charity, what are you on about.

What I posted fam
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Poll of the Day » PSA: A pre-order for Shadow of War is in the current Humble Bundle