5 White People including COPS are charged with Murder of a Black Kid!!!

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The media created a false narrative of "the cops are hunting down black people" and prompting crazy people to start shooting police officers here and there... Ultimately, the instances where the deceased had no prior criminal record results in punishment for the officers because they tend to be in the wrong during those cases. But then the news continues to paint this romanticized picture of a bunch of hoodlums (including convicted felons and those with warrants) by framing "shot because he attacked somebody, causing bodily harm" as things like "shot for wearing a hoodie." It's absurd.

Does America have a sordid history when it comes to African-Americans? Absolutely, but that doesn't automatically mean any time a cop shoots somebody that the target was innocent, which is how this whole ordeal is being treated. There are lots of successful, powerful African-Americans, and one made it all the way to POTUS. It's just easier to blame everyone else for your unhappiness, especially when there's a history to back it up combined with legitimately misleading coverage of events.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888