Can a man and a woman just be friends?

Poll of the Day

@Syntheticon posted...

I skimmed your post.

You make assumptions.

The facts are clear. It's more common for a female to have many platonic male friends than for a male to have many platonic female friends. I'm not saying there aren't women who struggle with maintaining platonic male friendships but more men suffer from it than women, heavily, or that men with many platonic female friends don't exist.

You seem to be really insulted by my calling out males for over sexualizing females constantly and overtly. It's a problem females endure daily that men rarely experience.

Are you a female who has trouble maintaining platonic friendships with men? Or were you really hurt by a woman and hold a very negative view of the them? Seriously, while it may seem like your attacking me in your posts, it's seems like you are really upset at females for not "friend zoning" you while engaging in sexual activity with other men.
