Lentil Vegetable or Chicken Noodle, which soup should I have for lunch?

Poll of the Day

gguirao posted...
Which character are you playing?

A Drow (Dark Elf) Assassin. Oddly enough I am not the most evil character in our party, the half elf sorcerer just murdered 2 commoners and our adventure today was to try and hide those murders so that the rest of the town didn't suspect her. It was an interesting session...

Mead posted...
Chicken noodle

I love lentils but they will fill you with farts and suffocate your D&D buds

If you are getting gassy from high fiber foods such as lentils, it usually means you need to drink more water to help absorb the fiber.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.