Georgia Woman is OUTRAGED she couldn't sing the NATIONAL ANTHEM on an Airplane!

Poll of the Day

Do you think Delta was right or wrong to tell Pamela not to sing the anthem?

Dr Pamela Gaudry, a Georgia Physician was told to STOP singing the NATIONAL ANTHEM to honour a fallen soldier whom Delta Airlines was carrying the casket of...she was told that her singing was violating the company policy.

She said that she and some other passengers were STANDING from their seats singing the anthem until a flight attendant walked by to tell them to stay quietly in their seats as an honour guard guard escorted the casket of Army Staff Sgt Dustin Wright on Saturday as it arrived in Atlanta from Philadelphia.

Dustin was a Green Beret who was among the 4 troops killed in an ambush attack on October 4th in Niger and his body was returned Saturday to his family in rural Georgia.

Pamela says a flight attendant told her that singing the "Star Spangled Banner" would make passengers from other countries uncomfortable

She kept quiet after that until she got off the plane and made a 6 minute video that she posted on her facebook of her outrage which has now been viewed almost a million times.

Pamela said she began asking other passengers if they would join her in singing the anthem as the casket was taken off the plane and many agreed but a chief flight attendant told her that it was against company police for her to do what she was doing. She told her "The national anthem? And there's a soldier onboard?"

But now she regrets letting the flight attendant tell her what to do because now she felt UNCOURAGEOUS for not standing up to her and should have sang anyway..

The controversy comes as the NFL is still battling the Trump administration over kneeling and Pamela said "If it instigates a spiritual and patriotic feeling in this country, i'm thrilled. I'm not real thrilled with the attention to myself but now i feel like an awful person i did not sing for that soldier when i should have"

Do you think Delta was right or wrong to tell Pamela to stop singing?.

Pamela -

Dustin Wright - Deceased American Soldier
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