Is it inappropriate to contact your ex just cause they might have died? Opinions

Poll of the Day

Melon_Master posted...
I just skimmed the topic, but based on the context given, she was likely just concerned and you're overthinking it.
I can understand emotions going through your mind right now, but I suggest you try to take the gesture for what it likely was.

Bahh. This is what hangs me up about it. I appreciate it being a "gesture" as much as it's good to know that someone would care whether you're alive or not.

But once you have that info, what are you going to do with it? I guess I do take people "just being human" for granted, cause from my hardass robotic perspective, there's nothing that information is going to do for you

Not dredge up old vitriol, for a quick pot shot before she disappears, again.

This wasn't even my intention but now I am feeling like this is exactly what I did, if only for the fact that she has a boyfriend. If she didn't, I wouldn't feel as bad about asking her why she still cares.

She doesn't "disappear" though, I had to message her on deviantart.
getting laid is easy lmao just post dank memes