Nerdy Gaming Teacher holds back TEARS as his Students bought him a SWITCH!!!

Poll of the Day

Do you know any old people (35+) who are still Gaming?

Nathan Neidigk, a New Mexico Teacher was fighting back tears after his students chipped in together to buy him a $300 NINTENDO SWITCH!!

He was devastated by the loss of his wife a few years from leukemia and found out recently than his 2 y/o son was fighting the same disease!!

But his 12th grade Math students at Volcano Vista High School banded together after stating he always comes to class everyday with a smile..

Nathan is currently playing THOUSANDS in medical bills and he was unable to purchase a Nintendo Switch that he had his eye on because he was a HUGE GAMER NERD that his classmates knew about..

So the generous kids pitched money together and bought it for him!!

It was initially planned to be a Christmas Present but after revealing what happened to his son, they gave him an early present..

Rick Sherwood posted the video of the students gathering in a classroom and presenting him with a large box..

One of the kids says "So we're aware of your situation and we really wanted to help you out. So we all got together and we got you this."

First he reads a looong message card that the kids wrote where it says "You have been our guidance through this unknown land called calculus, you are the strongest man we know! Everything will be OK"

Then he opens it as the class laughs because he mentioned how well wrapped it was..then explodes in shock and said "Oh my God, you did not"..the class claps as he sees a Nintendo Switch inside and said "How, Seriously? Oh my word"..

He fought back tears and found even more goodies as they bought 2 games and case for his new device..he says "you know, i just walk by the Switches at Target every time i'm there? thank you, thank you so much"

He said he's going to use it at the hospital where his son is being treated...

Cory Dalton, a student of his said Mr Neidigk is the best teachers he's ever had because he's a "straight up good guy"

A Gofundme page has also been set up to help pay for the bills for his son..

Do you know any old people (35+) who still play video games?

What the kids bought him -

Nathan all giddy -
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