Conservatives say it's SNOWING where they are so Global Warming is FAKE...

Poll of the Day

Blightzkrieg posted...
Zeus posted...
Control+F in article:
"Carbon dioxide not found"
"Climate not found"

I was under the impression you were asking for the basics of how this works. That's pretty much the fundamentals of infrared adsorption and emission. Literally everybody and their dog knows the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide isn't magic, it works the same way as other molecules.

I was asking the basics of the determination. I haven't seen anything that suggests that this is the determination. Every video and article I've been linked to about climate change has skipped the step where it shows the science for determining carbon dioxide's link to heat, instead relying on correlation.

Blightzkrieg posted...
Zeus posted...
If you were trying to demonstrate that you can't read, kudos, sir, you've done it.

You made the allegation that the link between carbon dioxide and warming is purely correlational.

Zeus talks about politics yet doesn't know what a left leaning centrist is, talks about global warming yet doesn't know what the greenhouse effect is, talks about what he said yet doesn't have a firm grasp of the english language (not surprising given Russian is his first).

The only topics you should post in are Last Week Tonight topics, given that's the only thing you seem to possess a working knowledge of.

The problem is more *your* understanding (or lack thereof) than mine. You clearly don't understand what a left-leaning centrist is, especially considering that political test after political test has put me there yet you insist the contrary. On global warming, I've offered clarification than you have -- including clarifying the misstated "98% of scientists" which you had just let pass -- and pointed out flaws in the talking points. And finally, you either purposefully or ignorantly misinterpreted what I said then used it to draw your own conclusions yet choose to blame your libel or mistake upon me.

I would counter with a witty retort about the only topics you should post in, but I have yet to witness you demonstrate expertise in *any* subject so I can't really offer anything.
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