Conservatives say it's SNOWING where they are so Global Warming is FAKE...

Poll of the Day

MaverickXeo posted...
Its the same as liberals stating that its 'hot' this year, so it proves global warming exists.

the correct claim is more something like that there hasn't been a single below average world temperature month since February 1985.

MaverickXeo posted...
it was 'global cooling' in the 70s

IIRC there was some small amount of global cooling in the 70s caused by pollution. all three terms are valid. "climate change" or similar phrases have been around since at least the 50s.

Zeus posted...
I was asking the basics of the determination. I haven't seen anything that suggests that this is the determination. Every video and article I've been linked to about climate change has skipped the step where it shows the science for determining carbon dioxide's link to heat, instead relying on correlation.

you're probably being intentionally vague and obtuse but otherwise this may be relevant

to anyone actually interested in this, potholer54's videos are highly recommended