Conservatives say it's SNOWING where they are so Global Warming is FAKE...

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Zangulus posted...
Yes, the argument is that were making it far worse than it needs to be. To the point we could make the planet inhospitable to ourselves.

Venus jr. is an incredibly unlikely scenario. Muggy World is vastly more likely, as a water vapor feedback loop kicks in.

Zeus posted...
Not a realistic concern regarding climate change. While rising water would force some human settlements would need to move, it would mostly just redraw the shorelines assuming that things like levees aren't built. Keep in mind that New Orleans has been under sea level for ages.

That's not a climate change thing. That's largely caused by the refusal to let the Mississippi river change.
Plus there's the problem of building your city in a swamp, then suddenly realizing swamps are wet. Sucking water out of a swamp means everything that's left (dirt and rocks) sinks, due to simple gravity and most of the mass and volume (of the water) no longer being there.