How do you feel about SELF-DRIVING CARS?

Poll of the Day

SinisterSlay posted...
I want one.
Imagine having a single car for your household. You wake up, drive to work, send the car home, it grabs the kids, takes them to school, goes to the grocery store and picks up your groceries you ordered online and takes them home, your spouse empties the car, and then just before your work is done, it drives back to you and picks you up.

Or simpler example, your going to a football game, there is no parking anywhere near you. So you get dropped off at the door, and the car goes off to find parking on its own. When the game is done, you call the car back.

And let's not forget road trips. It would be really nice when driving down a long straight road for hours, to go take a nap in the backseat or watch a movie.

Driving is one of my favorite activities. Turning a wrench for 8 hours over a case of beer with friends (and my wife before she passed), and then testing it the next day to see what I shaved on my 1/4 mile time. And just driving in general. Feeling the g-forces, the clutch engaging and your right foot opening up the car into the power band. It's always been my #3 hobby in life after boxing and guns. Ever since I was a kid. There's just something about this visceral connection between man and machine as your car becomes an extension of your hand, knowing each engine rotation sound and feel in each gear. Especially high performance driving at a track (either drag strip or an actual circular track.)

How do I get something I love so much with what you're describing?
Hoppe hoppe Reiter, und kein Engel steigt herab
mein Herz schlagt nicht mehr weiter, NUR DER REGEN WEINT AM GRAB