Is bullying justified?

Poll of the Day

If somebody is an asshole, they deserve to be shunned or made aware of it to correct their behaviour. I don't mean beating them up or giving them a swirly or something, but with dumb, mean people you need to fight fire with fire because any attempt at explaining the results of their actions to them will just make you the target. I went to high school with this stuck-up, racist bitch. She was mean to everyone, and picking on the foreign exchange student (who wasn't that popular to begin with) was the last straw. After a while, I think she must've realized how it felt and stopped. I totally dropped my campaign to constantly make the class laugh at her once she began being nice.

Changing gears... Karma fucked this one girl my friend went to school with. She was basically Regina George and so were her friends. She was mean to everybody and then had some stroke or palsy or something that paralyzed her face and made her ugly. All of her shallow friends abandoned her and everyone else just ignored her because of how much of a bitch she had been in the past. After the incident, she sat in the cafeteria alone every lunch. Nobody gave her any sympathy, but at least they didn't pick on her either.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888