50 y/o Arkansas Mom gave BIRTH to her own GRANDSON!! Does this bother you???

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50 y/o Arkansas Grandmother, Patty Resecker played an unconventional role to the beginning of her grandchilds life as she gave BIRTH to her daughter in law and son's GRANDSON by serving as a surrogate for them!!

29 y/o Kayla Jones couldn't carry her own child because she had partial hysterectomy due to cysts

She married Cody Jones and decided they want to have kids and knew they would have to explore other options to bring a child to the world...Cody's Mom then stepped in to help them who said "it's their baby, i was just the valet"

Despite being menopausal though, she thought she would be a good fit after carrying 3 children, including Cody..

She got hormone injections to make carrying the baby possible.

She said "I kept seeing Cody and Kayla kind of get sad think, what's our next step? I told Cody and Kayla that i would do it if i can"

Thus, on December 30th, 2018, their baby boy named KROSS was born..

Are you disturbed by this? let's see what people will vote

The Family -



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