Copycat MASS SHOOTERS are Sweeping AMERICA...and HALF are from TEEN GIRLS!!!

Poll of the Day

mrduckbear posted...
Over a DOZEN of copycats have been arrested in school shooting threats across America, just less than a week after 17 were killed at a Florida High School!!

14 y/o Edward Charles Osgood from St. Petersburg was arrested on a written threat to kill after posting a menacing photo on snapchat. It sid "Round 3 on Florida on Tuesday" after posing with a semi-automatic rifle.

Students at Lealman Innovation Academy reported the image as they rushed to inteview the teen. When they arrived, Osgood said "I know why you are here, because of the photo" he said he'd seen a recent SC post of a masked man with a gun promising "Round 2 on Florida" and thought it was "messed up" according to cops. A Teen in South Carolina was arrested for the Round 2 threat. For some idiotic reason, he decided to pose with a friend's AR-15 replica BB gun and make a similar post as police seized that gun.

It's the latest in a string of sickening copycats landing kids in trouble. In North Carolina, police rushed to Patton High School after a student reported that another kid threatened to "shoot up the school"

17 y/o Mackenzie Rae Swink, a FEMALE student charged with making a false report concerning mass violence. She is held on 50,000 smackers.

Police in Ohio arrested 19 y/o Christian Costet for threatening to "shoot up" Waite High School and police seized his replica rifle.

2 teen males in Kentucky and a juvenile girl in Texas are behind bars after 19 y/o Tristan H. Kelly and 18 y/o Cody T. Ritchey were busted when cops worked throughout the night on a threat sent through SC.

The image showed a boy holding a gun who was not identified with the caption "Be ready for a school monday Jessamine County".

In Kentucky, 3 teen Girls were arrested on a threat against Knox county schools

A 13 y/o heifer who attends Knox County Middle School and a 16 y/o girl hatched a scheme to get out of school by sending a threat over social media

19 y/o Megan Scott was also arrested and charged with complicity to terroristic threatening. Police said he knew about the 2 younger girls threat but failed to report it because she didn't think the girls were NOT SERIOUS about it because all of the school shooters are MALES because of recent history of mass shootings!!

A 15 y/o Kentucky Girl was arrested for threatening a BOMB Jackson County High School and is charged with 1st degree terroristic threatening. A 14 y/o boy there is also charged with second degree terrorist threatening after making a threat on social media against North Laurel Middle School

A 14 y/o at Lake Taylor Middle School in Virginia after police responded to a tpi on social media of a threat to shoot other students. The 7th grader faces a Class 6 felony.

An 11 y/o Girl in Florida wrote a terrifying threat online that said "I will bring a gun to shcool to kill all of you ugly ass kids and teachers b****. I will bring the gun Feb 16, 18. BE prepared b****!"..

In Houston, Steven Middle School went on lockdown after a student made a threat off campus.

4 kids in Texas were also tied to a rash of threats. A 15 y/o was also busted in Louisiana. A 13 y/o in Missouri was also arrested for a video threat to shoot up the school with an Kalashnikov AK-47, a similar knock off to the AR-15

Mackenzie - Charged

Megan - Charged

Note written by unnamed Female -

Edward - Charged

Unnamed Student - Charged

Tristan - Charged

Cody - Charged

Unnamed Male -

Anybody notice how these guys are NEVER attractive?
Qc_Stryder 5/21/2015 6:58:09 AM posted... Mods- Protectors of feelings