Dad of 14 y/o Girl Killed in Florida says CHRISTIAN VALUES will STOP Shootings!

Poll of the Day

Do you think Christian Family Values is the answer to stop mass shootings?

Mormon Parents of a 14 y/o Girl who was killed last week in Florida said that the world needs better FAMILY VALUES and GOD in their lives and NOT gun control to prevent school shootings as they said if people had put forward better family values toward their children, that would have saved their daughter's life!!

Ryan and Kelly Petty said 19 y/o Nikolas Cruz is responsible for the loss of their daughter, Alaina but also said that he wasn't given enough love and support in his life and while many blame the shooting on weak gun control, Trump suggests arming teachers as a solution while the Pettys think God is the way to help families put a stop to mass shootings epidemic

Ryan says "Strong families are vital to a peaceful, functioning society. A family with a strong male figure and a supportive mother will give a better direction to their loved ones. When families break down,t hat's where the problem begins. We need legislators and policymakers to pass legislation and create policies that strengthen the family role. We wish and believe, that if somebody had been able to put their arms around him and show him some compassion and love to the extent that would have enabled him to get some help, things may have been different last week. The gun is not the problem, the lack of a family role is. When children don't have that, sometimes they end up doing really bad things. If strong families encouraged more and fought for more more kids could be helped and not fall by the wayside and not do things like last week. A father figure would have given him direction and a mother would have shown him how to have compassion for others"

They are still trying to understand what happened to their daughter after they were told she was in English class expecting to get picked up in 30 minutse for an orthodontist appointment before Nikolas had walked into the school.

Their 17 y/o son, Patrick also attended the campus who told his parents there was a shooting and Alaina had not answered their mother's texts.

Ryan said after watching the media coverage of previous school shootings, he thought he would be angry if it happened to him but now, aided by his strong faith in God, he feels at peace..He said "I'm amazed i haven't felt angry. We're chosing to focus on our eternal family and faith in the Lord and we ask everyone to do the same"

Alaina was part of the JROTC whose funeral was attended by 1500 people aided by the US Army that awarded her the Medal of Heroism.

One of Alaina's friends Madeleine Wilford was shot 4 times by Cruz but survived her injuries that included a collapsed lung..She went to the same Mormon Church with Alaina as she recalled frightened students dove ot the floor to get out of the line of sight but doesn't remember being shot and blacked out...she awoke from her bed with her family by her side and President Trump and Melania who promised to give her a recommendation to the college of her choice..which was Brigham Young University, a small Christian Univeristy..

Do you think Christian Family Values is the answer?

Alaina - Deceased

Alaina's Family -

Madeline - Survived
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