Dad of 14 y/o Girl Killed in Florida says CHRISTIAN VALUES will STOP Shootings!

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TyVulpine posted...
And there we go with the free will problem. I give you the choice to love you or go your own way. Oh, but if you go your own way, Ill cast you into a lake of fire to be tortured and made to scream for all eternity.

Well the whole basis for christianity is that we are imperfect beings and need to "be born again in christ" (whatever that means) to cleanse us of our sin so that we may be in the presence of God in heaven. Its like a "no-smoking" indoors policy.

You cant just expect to be a sinful lil demon and get into heaven

Then thats where another misconception of heaven comes into play. You dont do xx amount of good deeds or xx amount of bad deeds because no matter what you did because every human at least lies which is considered a sin. And one sin qualifies you to go to hell. But the Jesus man, he washes you clean.

If you or anyone else is wondering why I know so much about this but dont claim to be christian or religious...its because my family forced me to go to church every single sunday for the first 20 years of my life unless I was sick. So now I hate going to church :D