57% of Americans now say President Trump is RACIST!! Do you???

Poll of the Day

Do you think President Cheeto is racist?

More than HALF of Americans, including a large majority of Blacks and Hispanics now believe President Trump is RACIST!! More than half think his policies have made things worse for Hispanics and Muslims, and nearly half say they've made worse for African Americans.

The NORC Centre for Public Affairs Research found that 57% of them think he is Racist.

80% of blacks, 75% of Hispanics and nearly half of whites said Trump is Racist..even 21% of REPUBLICANS think he is too!!

It shows a stark divide on racial issues gripping the country after he made divisive comment on a white nationalist rally and called African nations s***holes and promised to build a wall along Mexico.

The White House obviously did not respond to these polls

When asked if he was racist, Trump said "No no, i am not a racist. I am the LEAST RACIST person you have ever interviewed, that i can tell you"

90% of black people disapprve of how Trump is handling his presidency and think it is heading in the wrong direction as 75% said it has worsened.

45% approve of Trump's handling and only 35% think the country is improving.

About half think that race relations have worsened over the past year as well.

Do you think Trump is Racist? let's see what people think.

Poll -




Trump - President Racist


call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right