57% of Americans now say President Trump is RACIST!! Do you???

Poll of the Day

Ben111 posted...
TheCyborgNinja posted...
I think he's racist, but there are varying forms of it. I wouldn't give him the credit to say he's thought things through well enough to be a "pro" at it like Hitler. My guess is that he just has confusing feelings of negativity towards certain groups of people. The fact he makes so many exceptions indicates it's partially unintentional and he's just dumb and hateful.

So no examples?

Him defending white supremacists by claiming there are "good people" on both sides is a start ("both sides suck" would've been a better-sounding response, given AntiFa's antics, but that was just embarrassing). Then there's his anti-Islamic agenda that flies in the face of actual statistics. While that certainly applies to the plague of degeneracy flooding into Europe unvetted right now (with the evidence to prove it), that simply isn't relevant regarding North America and is being used as a scapegoat. It's not my job to educate somebody who clearly just picks a side and stays there though.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888