Gimme Instant Pot recipes

Poll of the Day

You can cook almost everything in it. I use it as a frying pan as well, a slow cooker, obviously a pressure cooker etc.

There are just too many things to list but some of the most amazing.

You can make soups.....instantly, and delicious ones at that. Get some beef or chicken broth, add it to the pot (not sure
if your cooking for just you or not), add in your veggies (if you like them soft like me), including onions/bell peppers for flavor if you like, and any spices. Close the pot and set it for 1-2 minutes (Depending on how soft you like the veggies), I like them very soft.

Bam instant veggie soup, but...if you like pot stickers/wontons in it like me, they sell them in the store in frozen format (especially trader joes and stores like that), you Don't add them to the pot before pressure cooking though, just turn on the heat (sautee mode) to high, and add them in after you finish cooking, it only takes another minute or two (they actually say just add it to the water, but I like mine cooked a bit more. I only do 1 minute for the pressure cook when I do this since the veggies cook a bit more). You can also add previously cooked chicken or steak at this point if you prefer it that way. You can also add pasta in the initial batch (spagetti or rigatoni etc) if you like that in your soup. It's an amazing soup maker, pretty much prevents you from EVER having to buy soup elsewhere and allows you to have it fresh at home in minutes anytime (it's awesome).

Chuck roasts can be made so fast and amazing (just get a chuck steak if it's just for 1). Put enough broth in the bottom and use the thing that holds the roast off the bottom (Forget it's name but it's like metal wire and comes with it). Season the roast well, and then pressure cook that baby for 40 minutes. Let it rest afterwards and naturally remove the steam. Don't add veggies or potatoes or anything during this portion.

Now you can add whatever you want, along with pasta sauce and spices etc and pressure cook it for another 5 minutes or so, again let it naturally release the steam for 5 minutes. This will ensure everything is soft and ready to eat. You can eat it at this point and it's quite good....but....I suggest 1 last stage.

IF done above the meat will be falling apart, but it won't have had time to really infuse all the flavors. At this point use tongs to break the meat up into larger chunks (a 2 pound roast into about 4 chunks), ensure everything is
covered by the sauce, and put it on "slow cook/hi" for 30 minutes to an hour (if you can bear the smell that long without opening it and eating....I don't think I've made it to an hour yet lol). It tastes just like you slow cooked it all day (8+ hours)...and it's ready in less than 2 (about an hour and a half total unless you have more willpower to wait then me).

Please ensure you either have guests or you buy a smaller chuck roast as I have not yet avoided eating it ALL...and I have paid with indigestion afterward (heart burn basically) lol. It's really good.

Hot dogs/Hamburgers.

For hot dogs add water and turn on the sautee option to high (just a low layer of water to create steam), cover (but dont' seal) the pot (just place it on ttp, don't turn it). Leave for a few minutes while the hot dogs steam. Take the pot out (it really doesn't get hot) and drain the water into a sink) return the pot with hot dogs and let them finish while turning them occasionally for 3-4 minutes. Microwave your buns in for 30 seconds or so, so they are nice and soft, and BAM delicious hot dogs ready right away.

Ham burgers just use the pure sautee method, start on medium heat though, and if it's 80% (like I get) drain the instant pot after both sides have browned a bit) so you can easily remove with a spatula. Make sure to season your hamburgers. Now place the pot back in, turn the sautee to high, and wait for it to heat up, return the burgers to the pot and let them cook on each side about 2 minutes (Before flipping) should give you a nice charred outside of your burgers. You can also toast your buns in the pot after draining if you want (I don't eat hamburger or hotdog buns anymore so I skip those steps).

Chicken Thighs (boneless/skinless). Add chicken broth and butter to the pot. Season the thighs initially, not heavily
yet though. Put the thing that keeps them out of the liquid in, and pressure cook them on high for 10 minutes. Remove the thighs (could eat now) to a plate and drain the juice/sauce on the bottom (very yummy).

Add oil to the bottom (olive/canola etc), and turn the instant pot setting to sautee/high. Wait for the oil to heat up and add the rest of the spices directly to the chicken (Especially the garlic and pepper). Add the chicken thighs a few at a time to the pot for about 1 minute per side, and they should get a nice, crisp char to them and cook the spices in).

Remove the chicken thighs once cooked into the broth/sauce mixture you removed. Serve with a bit of sauce poured over them (so delivious). You can btw make potatoes using the same method and spices, so it works really well together.
Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."