Gimme Instant Pot recipes

Poll of the Day

For pasta and pasta sauce I suggest you make a large batch of sauce, and freeze most of it. Then when you want pasta in the future you can quickly make the pasta in the pot (you can use the pressure cooker, but I like extreme control over the doneness of my pasta, so I use the sautee method with the cover on to boil water and make it normally that way.

Remove the pasta and then add your (hopefully defrosted sauce). Use the sautee method to heat it up, and then
add the pasta (under cooked but not alot) and put it on slow cook. This will imbue your pasta with the sauce while anesuring it stays hot and ready to eat for hours (without over cooking the pasta).

To make the initial sauce, add ground beef (about 1 pound, and about 1/2 pound of ground itallian mild sausage (I buy the links and cut off the casings). I add the remaining itallian sausage to the pot (after browning it) to slow cook as they are fall apart delicious that way.

Anyway add (for me) prego sauce (garlic and herb) to the pot about 6 jars per 1 pound of beef sausage combo (so with 1/2...that would be a good 9 jars). Add your spices (don't need garlic, but by leave, and a good red bell pepper, some onions, and red pepper flakes for some heat are all good options), Turn it on low/sautee initally (or medium if you don't mind stirring often), and let it heat up the entire pot of sauce before turning it to slow cook/hi and leaving it for a good 6-8 hours). Should come out awesome (although again the smell is hard to great if you could leave for work or something). Makes a ton, so let it cool (the part you don't use to eat that night at least hehe) and put some in jars if you'll eat it in the next week or so, and freeze the rest in individual baggies so you can defrost them at will in the future. It's easy to defrost using the one pot.
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