So Eloquent

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » So Eloquent
C was right.
hoes mad
It sounds like hes lagging when he talks.
C was right.
DirtBasedSoap posted...

Doesn't he have a speech impediment?
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
keyblader1985 posted...
Doesn't he have a speech impediment?

Maybe, but thats not whats happening here. I dont believe this is the guy that got the most votes of any president ever.
C was right.
Don't tell me you actually believe in those election fraud conspiracies.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
Don't tell me you actually believe in those election fraud conspiracies.

I just cant believe anyone would vote for this guy for good reason outside of spite.

I guess to be consistent I cant believe in them, because I know there wasnt one in 2016 like the left cried about for four years, and I wouldnt want to be like that.

Although as for my own election I know that the Liberals used shady tactics when it came to the voter ID laws (lack thereof, essentially).
C was right.
zebatov posted...
Maybe, but thats not whats happening here. I dont believe this is the guy that got the most votes of any president ever.

Look, having nuclear my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart you know, if youre a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say Im one of the smartest people anywhere in the world its true! but when youre a conservative Republican they try oh, do they do a number thats why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because were a little disadvantaged but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me it would have been so easy, and its not as important as these lives are nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of whats going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? but when you look at whats going on with the four prisoners now it used to be three, now its four but when it was three and even now, I would have said its all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they dont, they havent figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, its gonna take them about another 150 years but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.

-Donald J Trump
Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.
zebatov posted...
I just cant believe anyone would vote for this guy for good reason outside of spite.
Sounds like how Trump got elected.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.

Indistinguishable from actual Biden quotes.
Sarcasthma posted...
Sounds like how Trump got elected.

Didnt the other person quit?
C was right.
zebatov posted...
Didnt the other person quit?
She conceded, if that's what you mean.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
She conceded, if that's what you mean.

Concede > quit.

Pass away > die.
C was right.
Can any other Canadian posters here help out with some translation?
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
Can any other Canadian posters here help out with some translation?

Sarcasthma posted...
Can any other Canadian posters here help out with some translation?

Well conceding is quitting. So she quit. Trump didnt get elected out of spite.

Was there a drastic increase in total number of voters this election compared to the last four elections?
C was right.
Conceding is not the same thing as quitting, quitting implies she gave up before the election. Conceding just means acknowledging a loss after it happened.

Yes the election got more votes than any in US history, Trump also broke previous vote totals. This was a huge talking point around the results.

This isn't hard stuff, maybe do a little basic research before you shit on people who voted for Biden so you don't make a complete fool of yourself.
Only ignorant dickheads don't believe Joe Biden got the most votes of any president ever. It's a verifiable fact.
"Far-Queue is probably one of the least troll-like of the posters here." - LinkPizza
Bejing Biden puts The communist party of China over the Chinese people, the American people, and the world.
I disliked Trumps America first platform and wanted Bernie and his world first platform but commie Biden will go down as the worst president mark my words
Dumb_Man posted...
Bejing Biden puts The communist party of China over the Chinese people, the American people, and the world.
I disliked Trumps America first platform and wanted Bernie and his world first platform but commie Biden will go down as the worst president mark my words

Not sure whose alt you are, but yeah, hes already signed a bunch of documents without reading them, being commanded to sign them on the spot, which is extremely dangerous, and cut thousands of jobs in the middle of the pandemic in at least two countries, with no recourse or plan for those people.
C was right.
zebatov agrees with dumb man
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
zebatov agrees with dumb man
its as if they were made for each other, ok?
Clench281 posted...
-Donald J Trump
I was going to say, TC should read the transcripts of the presidential debates and tell us which is the eloquent one and which is the kindergarten dropout.
zebatov posted...
Not sure whose alt you are, but yeah, hes already signed a bunch of documents without reading them, being commanded to sign them on the spot, which is extremely dangerous, and cut thousands of jobs in the middle of the pandemic in at least two countries, with no recourse or plan for those people.

If you're this worked up about "thousands of jobs" you must be really furious about Trump's pandemic response. Any semi competent leader wouldn't inject skepticism about the virus or masks; not only is he responsible for millions of job losses that could have been avoided (fyi millions of jobs lost is much more than thousands), he's responsible for tens of thousands of human deaths (fyi loss of life is worse than job loss)
Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.
Clench281 posted...
If you're this worked up about "thousands of jobs" you must be really furious about Trump's pandemic response. Any semi competent leader wouldn't inject skepticism about the virus or masks; not only is he responsible for millions of job losses that could have been avoided (fyi millions of jobs lost is much more than thousands), he's responsible for tens of thousands of human deaths (fyi loss of life is worse than job loss)

Trumps pandemic response doesnt affect me. My own PM was terrible, some speculate on purpose, because he had been warned well in advance to close borders. I even made a thread about how he was bringing people from hotspots into the country during the lockdown (to, surprise, help save the agriculture industry) but of course all anyone did with that was argue and deny any wrongdoing. Now we have a failing economy and people are still dying. Also, I think you may have meant IMO, not FYI. A failed economy = everyone suffers. The vast majority of the people who are dying from the virus would die from almost anything, and are barely contributing to the economy. You have children calling mental health helplines, people filing for bankruptcy, killing themselves... Sorry, I side with getting the economy back up and running. You cant save everyone and nobody lives forever. Most people who are the ones most affected by the virus that I run into feel the same way. Only time I ever see anyone saying anything different are very specific groups online.

A few years back I remember them talking about pensions running out because money was mismanaged and a ton of people are all retiring at the same time. Now we have a virus that is affecting mostly them.
C was right.
Lol who reported me for a notify without delete?

Grow up.

Typically a lack of evidence isnt proof of something.
C was right.
zebatov posted...
because he had been warned well in advance to close borders.
Didn't Trump close off our borders to China where the virus originated very early last year...and didn't Biden call him xenophobic for it? I believe so. That certainly didn't age well.
Solid's snake still shoots liquid, it's just that it's null.
DANTE20XX posted...
Didn't Trump close off our borders to China where the virus originated very early last year...and didn't Biden call him xenophobic for it? I believe so. That certainly didn't age well.

Masks certainly work better than preventative measures, right?



Not sure what you were getting at with this quiz, but all it did was reinforce my belief that theyre both shitty, but Trump is the better option.
C was right.
YouTube news is unreliable.
Foreign Trumpers utterly baffle me. Especially from places like Canada. There seems to be a number on this site and I bet all these people would be screaming bloody murder if US GOP policy (or heck even much moderate Dem policy) was enacted there.
"I had no choice but to choose the DLC." - Junichi Masuda
MeteoricBurst posted...
Foreign Trumpers utterly baffle me. Especially from places like Canada. There seems to be a number on this site and I bet all these people would be screaming bloody murder if US GOP policy (or heck even much moderate Dem policy) was enacted there.

Have you heard of Trudeau or nah? Trump would do ten times the job he has. You shouldnt be baffled at all.

Still waiting on @Gaawa_chan to explain the intention of the questionnaire.
C was right.
zebatov posted...
Have you heard of Trudeau or nah? Trump would do ten times the job he has. You shouldnt be baffled at all.

Trudeau is a fraud yes. He's not good but Trump makes bad politicians look great. That's the whole reason Biden got in. He's lame too.
"I had no choice but to choose the DLC." - Junichi Masuda
MeteoricBurst posted...
Trudeau is a fraud yes. He's not good but Trump makes bad politicians look great. That's the whole reason Biden got in. He's lame too.

Also, there are more conservatives than there are liberals in Canada. Thats evident in the vote count of last election. Our system is rigged in their favour with how many ridings certain left-leaning areas have. Not to mention the whole ID-not-required-to-vote thing.
C was right.
zebatov posted...
all it did was reinforce my belief that theyre both shitty , but
Basically they're both babbling, bigoted morons and therefore there is no reason to use their speech patterns/mannerisms as a reason for who to vote for. That's a fucking stupid reason to choose who to vote for anyway. Vote on policy, not style.

I ultimately voted for Biden because he promised to stop financial aid to the genocide in Yemen, which he is currently doing, so I'm actually quite pleased right now despite despising the man.
Gaawa_chan posted...
Basically they're both babbling, bigoted morons and therefore there is no reason to use their speech patterns/mannerisms as a reason for who to vote for. That's a fucking stupid reason to choose who to vote for anyway. Vote on policy, not style.

I ultimately voted for Biden because he promised to stop financial aid to the genocide in Yemen, which he is currently doing, so I'm actually quite pleased right now despite despising the man.

So all the other policies that are terrible you dont care about as long as that one selfish reason is satisfied. Got it.

Also, most people are bigots, by definition.
C was right.
zebatov posted...
selfish reason
Holy shit lol
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
Holy shit lol

Something wrong?

Its selfish to ignore all the other garbage and vote for a dude who might do one thing you want.

When I vote, I vote for the person with the best platform for the whole country, not one policy that may or may not happen.
C was right.
Wanting genocide to end is so selfish I totally agree
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Lol okay!
C was right.
It would be nice to one day vote for someone with a platform that benefits the whole country.

Maybe some magical five-headed dragon will run next time.
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
It would be nice to one day vote for someone with a platform that benefits the whole country.

Maybe some magical five-headed dragon will run next time.

I was going to say Im all for helping, but thats what foreign aid is for. Any president has access to that. I cant imagine it not being used by anyone. Although, Im not sure what Trumps stance on the situation is. Foreign aid should absolutely be used in emergency situations.
C was right.
Metalsonic66 posted...
Holy shit lol
Pretty much tells you all you need to know about zebatov's priorities in life.
Gaawa_chan posted...
Basically they're both babbling, bigoted morons and therefore there is no reason to use their speech patterns/mannerisms as a reason for who to vote for. That's a fucking stupid reason to choose who to vote for anyway. Vote on policy, not style.

I ultimately voted for Biden because he promised to stop financial aid to the genocide in Yemen, which he is currently doing, so I'm actually quite pleased right now despite despising the man.
Well, I'm going to be getting another 1400 from one of them and likely another stimulus check after that one and minimum wage is going up to $15/hr. That last one is the one that matters and two of those items were only promised by one of them.
Gaawa_chan posted...
Pretty much tells you all you need to know about zebatov's priorities in life.
the fact he spent an entire topic ranting about a missing letter was more than telling regarding his stability, ok?
ClarkDuke posted...
the fact he spent an entire topic ranting about a missing letter was more than telling regarding his stability, ok?

Says more about the person who was wrong and still goes on about it. Was months ago man. Time to let it go.

Gaawa_chan posted...
Pretty much tells you all you need to know about zebatov's priorities in life.

Sorting out our own problems first while also using foreign aid for what its for? Yeah, my priorities are straight. Thanks man!

Arcturusisnow posted...
Well, I'm going to be getting another 1400 from one of them and likely another stimulus check after that one and minimum wage is going up to $15/hr. That last one is the one that matters and two of those items were only promised by one of them.

Thats an absurd amount in the US with how cheap housing is! Youre going to be rolling in cash before taxes!
C was right.
zebatov posted...
Says more about the person who was wrong and still goes on about it. Was months ago man. Time to let it go.
i remember the last time you tried to pretend you won and the link was posted and you disappeared, ok?
Poll of the Day » So Eloquent
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