I'm really envious of people who have what I want

Poll of the Day

The one problem in America that Americans will not admit is that we have a "Keeping Up With The Joneses" mentality in that we all or at least most of us think we deserve a nice home, car, and lots of money and if we fail to achieve that, we think we have failed.

In a country that has produced so many millionaires and billionaires, it's only natural that people want to achieve success on that level but the cold reality is only a handful of people will ever reach that plateau.

Personally, I have never been a jealous person or a person who is envious of what others have so that sort of thing doesn't bother me as much as it does some people.

It's like seeing a guy with a hot girl and you think how can I get a hot girl. Just get the girl that makes you happy!