I'm really envious of people who have what I want

Poll of the Day

Usually not material things. I am jealous of people who have secure and stable lives, but I don't end up bitterly wishing harm on them for it, mostly because I don't see comfort and stability as a zero sum game, and it obviously has nothing to do with individual actors for the most part on that level usually. There's a disconnect, to a point, between people's material objects which I may desire and the individual in question, so... *shrug*

I'm not envious of the wealthy; my issues with the wealthy have nothing to do with envy save that I resent that I resent how much damage they do with their financial practices, but that's not the same thing.

That said, I AM envious of neurotypical people and pretty much always have been, to the point where I struggled as a child to suppress bitter and/or vengeful impulses on people who gave me shit for my obvious divergence from the norm. It still comes up on rare occasion in the form of my older siblings whining about how I should "just be normal." If there had been any hope of that (and there wasn't), it was ruined with the non-stop shit they gave me as a child. You don't get to spend years thoroughly grinding a person's ego into the dust and then bitch and moan about how inconvenient it is that they aren't well-adjusted.