Beer has made us smarter.

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Beer has made us smarter.
Without brewers, we wouldn't understand pH or what a microscope is or why to pasteurize.

These are facts.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song -
it Is true that the smartest things I have witnessed in life are usual performed by those who have consumed at least 10 beers
Stupid Pervert Guy
Someone was drunk when he posted this fuckin' topic.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
It was one of the big reasons why ancient agriculture was developed, they wanted to brew lots of beer but needed more grain to do it.
"I'm the straightest guy on this board. I'm so straight that I watch gay porn." - Smarkil
Hamms is why I'm still alive.
Always have a hamms in hand.
synth_real posted...
It was one of the big reasons why ancient agriculture was developed, they wanted to brew lots of beer but needed more grain to do it.
The oldest "food law" is about beer.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song -
To alcohol:

The cause and solution to all of life's problems
Next Xbox will be named Xbox1 2
synth_real posted...
It was one of the big reasons why ancient agriculture was developed, they wanted to brew lots of beer but needed more grain to do it.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
alcohol wasn't pasteurized until the 1850s
girls like my fa
I now feel enlightened....
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
ReturnOfFa posted...
alcohol wasn't pasteurized until the 1850s
When the process was discovered by Louis Pasteur. Milk wasn't pasteurized until much later.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song -
Sunny is a slave to beer.
My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
Veedrock- posted...
Sunny is a slave to beer.

Yeah he is

Probably explains why he keeps having nervous breakdowns and getting warned lol
There's no such team as the Spungos
Beer has motivated us to find answers to questions. It has, in fact, made us dumber
I wouldn't say that's "making us smarter" so much as it is leading us to new information. Knowledge=/=intelligence, after all.
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Poll of the Day » Beer has made us smarter.