If our current civilization ended, can you live off the land?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » If our current civilization ended, can you live off the land?
Do you have any survival skills?

I wouldn't need the global supply chain to eat.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song - https://youtu.be/-PXIbVNfj3s
i had mcdonalds for the first time in a long time the other day and it wasnt that bad. $6 for a couple of burgers, fries, and a drink
Why would I want to?
jsb0714 posted...
Why would I want to?

This. Scavenging would be a thing for the first few years and communes/collectives would likely spring up afterward. Contrary to peoples' weird apocalypse fantasies/fetishes, there'd be little need to build yourself a home out of nearby crap (because plenty of homes would still exist) or to try to survive on your own (because resources would still exist and people likely would as well)
Woken LLC
If I had a year or so to prepare, yes. I have a long farming history... ... that I don't use.

But if I knew the world was ending and had time I could make a few acres of potato and carrots and such
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
I don't want to but I could. It all depends on the circumstances of the collapse
"Mom, was I in a wreck?"
I only can use 1 arm but there's knowledge in my mind that I'd hope to help others to survive.

Always have a hamms in hand.
Do you grow all of your food?
girls like my fa
Can you identify wild vegetation?
girls like my fa
BEERandWEED posted...
I only can use 1 arm but there's knowledge in my mind that I'd hope to help others to survive.
If our current civilization ended, I wouldn't try.

I'm too old to care. Rather than suffer through a miserable few years in a broken world, scrabbling to survive and constantly remembering what was lost, I'd just lay down and die.

My philosophy of life has always been that quality of life is more important than quantity of life, and that life isn't worth preserving unless it's a life worth living. And I don't see being reduced to a Stone Age level of society where people scavenge and kill to survive to be a life worth living. And that's even before we take potential fallout, plague, catastrophic weather, or other factors into account.

If not for modern civilization I'd have been dead 25 years ago anyway (or technically, likely never born in the first place). So if it goes, I'll happy go out with it.

(Also, 60% of the people answering this poll are lying to themselves)
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I could, but sadly your grill from burger King won't work so not sure how you would cook your food.
I live in a rural area but I'd be pretty useless and probably die unless other people kept me alive, which they would not.
I wouldn't be able to.
"You don't need a reason to help people." (Zidane Tribal of FFIX)
I don't think 95% of the people on here could survive an apocalyptic scenario. Most live in or around urban areas, don't own a gun or know how to use one, and oppose the very thought of it. Hell, I doubt half of you even have a decent pocket knife. You can grow the finest garden the world has ever seen. It won't be worth a damn when someone can just take it from you.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
Ozmose posted...
I don't think 95% of the people on here could survive an apocalyptic scenario. Most live in or around urban areas, don't own a gun or know how to use one, and oppose the very thought of it. Hell, I doubt half of you even have a decent pocket knife. You can grow the finest garden the world has ever seen. It won't be worth a damn when someone can just take it from you.
Honestly this is me. Except I don't even know much about gardening beyond: put seed in dirt and water occasionally. I just have to hope that I'm affable enough to keep around.
This user is awesome!:
Its always been a fantasy if mine that everyone just disappears but me, and I can just farm and grow stuff wherever I want. Maybe hunt once in a while if I need to.

actually learning how to butcher would be tough, but Im sure its doable.
"You're not a good person, you'll never be one, you'll never even convince anyone to mistakenly believe you to be one." -HCE to me
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Nope.. I could start fires and boil water.. but as far as food goes, I got nothing edible except for garlic in my backyard

My neighbors have an assortment of fruit trees, but eventually I'd need protein in the form of meat/dairy
Remember! Violence is never the answer.. unless you're a Liberal
By myself, maybe for awhile. I have seeds and a decent plot of land for a mean garden.

A better bet would be to organize a type of co-op with other farmers/ranchers nearby.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
A few. We've got multiple chickens and get enough eggs that we'd never starve for them. Several fruit trees, a garden, and ample fresh water. I wouldn't say we'd 'live off the land', but would certainly have a better chance than some city dweller whose closest encounter with nature is roadkill.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk. - Venat
LaggnFragnLarry posted...
i had mcdonalds for the first time in a long time the other day and it wasnt that bad. $6 for a couple of burgers, fries, and a drink
How did you get all that fir 6 bucks??
ReturnOfFa posted...
Can you identify wild vegetation?
Yes, yes I can. Not only do I know what kinds of plants around here are edible, more importantly, I know which ones are poisonous. (And some of them are EXTREMELY poisonous)
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Do i have the skills required to do so? Yes

Would it actually be possible? No

Not unless 99.9% of the population of the earth died or went away in the process.

I live on an island, I could fish and hunt here, I could grow vegies/fruit etc and easily live if everyone else went poof over night.

But the reality is that if civ ended, there are 7 billion people on this planet that require technology and civilization to get food and water and they would spread like locusts across the land, eating everything and everyone in their way, despoiling all water sources, causing massive fires etc.

So yeah, I could totally move to say Alaska right now and survive (though the super cold weather there would make it harder than most places, I could still do it. I lived in Putney Vermont 40 years ago in the middle of 50 acres of wood, in a cabin made out of hay lol. I could handle living in Alaska.

But even Alaska would not be safe from the hoards, so yeah, maybe if covid mutates and wipes out almost everyone (at least 99%)...there might be a chance for us to live off the land afterwards.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
teddy241 posted...
How did you get all that fir 6 bucks??
got a mcdouble and fries that was some two for $3 thing, then it was a $1 any size coke, then a spicy mcchicken for a buck and some change. not as good as the wendys 4 for $4 but ill take it
All of my skills are based on modern technology, pretty safe to say that I (and probably 90% of the civilized world) would be pretty useless in a scenario where modern technology no longer functions.
After 16 years, I have decided my signature will NOT be about my job! But I still don't know what to put here so...yea...
yeah i got lots of buddies living in farms i'll just go live with them
I stand with Israel. #FightAntisemitism
jsb0714 posted...
Why do you"laugh out loud" at my disability?
Always have a hamms in hand.
I probably could but it wouldn't be worth bothering with.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
This is wild carrot. You can eat this.

This is poison hemlock. Even a small amount will kill you.

Have fun!
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
wwinterj25 posted...
I probably could but it wouldn't be worth bothering with.
So you'd just let yourself starve to death?
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
So you'd just let yourself starve to death?

better/faster and less painful to die of thirst, although at that point just jump off a cliff/bridge etc.
Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Do you need like, a hug or something bro?
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Ozmose posted...
I don't think 95% of the people on here could survive an apocalyptic scenario. Most live in or around urban areas, don't own a gun or know how to use one, and oppose the very thought of it. Hell, I doubt half of you even have a decent pocket knife. You can grow the finest garden the world has ever seen. It won't be worth a damn when someone can just take it from you.

That's why you join marauders, my dude. Get yourself a mohawk and some football equipment.

PK_Spam posted...
Its always been a fantasy if mine that everyone just disappears but me, and I can just farm and grow stuff wherever I want. Maybe hunt once in a while if I need to.

actually learning how to butcher would be tough, but Im sure its doable.

A world without chicks ain't a world I want to live in. If everybody but me was disappearing, I'd want to go along.

Otherwise I'd mostly just scavenge. Trying to maintain a farm by myself would be insane.

teddy241 posted...
How did you get all that fir 6 bucks??

Yeah, I was also wondering, tbh

LaggnFragnLarry posted...
got a mcdouble and fries that was some two for $3 thing, then it was a $1 any size coke, then a spicy mcchicken for a buck and some change. not as good as the wendys 4 for $4 but ill take it

Wtf? I think the McChicken in my area has been close to $2 for years.
Woken LLC
Not a chance. I'm too dependent on technology.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Poll of the Day » If our current civilization ended, can you live off the land?