The death of Web3 (crypto, NFT's, other blockchain uses)

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Yeah I'm on the boat with the crypto doomerism as well

They'd rather create mini-ponzis over and over again than a stable currency, they cling to economic models that are the equivalent of free energy machines, something cool could have been made but turns out 99% of people don't value their own integrity over the sweet ass of $100 million, and if they do their team members don't

I wish crypto people would get one absolute concrete fact through their fucking skulls, but it's too late now, because anyone reasonable now hates it... if a currency is any good, it's not going to exist to make you money! You are going to use it to enable other people to purchase a real product... that is not another currency! To let others hold value in countries where they couldn't otherwise.

But god damn did they make me respect how fiat currencies keep modern society afloat.

I could tell a lot of stories about crypto because I have found myself deep in the mess, being a paid crypto developer and all. Like the time I was going to work with someone to make an NFT, and the only input they had was "the holders will recieve a portion of the funds for every person that buys into it. You see, it's kind of shaped like a pyramid, the whole thing, but it's really a revolutionary new system, and it's beautiful." I haven't done anything evil like that, I have my lines I won't cross. But I've seen ways to steal and become rich and passed them up, because at the end of the day I'm an engineer and I really only care about making things that make sense, lest I just sit somewhere and starve to death.

Anyway, one of my good friends, while I was hard at work trying to make an NFT that wasn't a shit scam, literally just came up to me and told me he didn't want to put too much effort into it, and just wanted to copy and paste a PNG of someone elses NFT image, as well as someone else's code. I never talked to them again. It's all a shit scam. The only justice is that anyone involved will pay for an expensive education in how the world works when you listen to your billionaire overlords.
why am I even here