"Pet Screening": Holy shit I can't wait till I'm done renting!

Poll of the Day

Muscles posted...
Just because I don't want the government oppressing people doesn't mean I want businesses to do it in their place. I want liberty for the individual, letting businesses do whatever they want stands in the way of that. Corporate oligarchy isn't libertarianism.
So, if not the government, who is supposed to stop businesses from doing that?

Gaawa_chan posted...
Ah, landlords. The most disgusting socially normalized parasites.
For single family homes, I'm all for massive property tax increases that get waived if it's your primary residency, to push scumbag landlords out of the market and lower house prices for people to buy them to own w/ a mortgage.

In my case, it's an apartment complex. I think apartments are fine and serve a purpose. And until a few years ago they were fine. Massively overpriced, but fine. Tenants could definitely use more rights, though. I think a lot of the shit they've been doing isn't even legal, but no one wants to or can afford to take them to court over it, so it gets a pass.
But they've hit their last straw w/ me now... If they're so god damned petty that they'd take a long-time good and paying tenant to court for an eviction over an "illegal pet" that I paid them for already and has lived here for years, then so be it.
I'd love to hear them explain to a judge how the carpets (which they are legally required to replace when we move out, we've been here so long) or the walls (which need a full repaint it's been so long, again) were SOOOOO damaged (hint: they weren't) by our 10 pound indoors-only cat that they needed a fucking 3rd party to assess his "risk factor".