RIP Quantic Dream

Poll of the Day

Also in DBH, they're all happy that they are free and they have an uphill battle fighting for equal rights... who's going to make new androids? The corporation just lost a huge profit motive. They are not making more of the same androids. Will the androids make more andoids? Will they make their own androids so they don't have to do menial labor? Are all the androids they have stockpiled up just going to walk around because they are humans now?

The whole problem is that the Androids were too smart and relatable. They could have wrapped that story up in a way that made more sense with an unconventional solution. People are nice, good, but it seems to me like in that universe the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the corporation needs to stop making their robots understand negative emotions and that was just a dark period in history where they made them too damn smart.