Bayonetta's VA not reprising her role in 3 because she was only offered $4k

Poll of the Day

agesboy posted...

ive been waiting for this ever since i found out she was a terf


I don't really care about someone's politics that much as long as they're not really preachy and vocal about it or put it in their work, so long as it's just their views and not like... they attend neo-nazi rallies.

But I know the twitterati morons that brigaded and simped for her DO care about that deeply. So... lol. Some people who've never touched grass are having a very bad week between realizing "we were working for the villain this whole time?" and...the new management.

agesboy posted...
If she'd waited until about 2-3 days before release, this absolutely would have caused some damage, but the damage has been completely reversed by the time the game's been released. It's bizarre how stupid she's acted.
2-3 days before release would've been the middle of the work week, and it'd have been crushed with facts and logic by Platinum within hours.
She posted on a Friday afternoon/evening for a very specific reason.
Probably could've waited till the following weekend, though. Maybe she was worried it wouldn't "go viral" right away.