Bayonetta's VA not reprising her role in 3 because she was only offered $4k

Poll of the Day

adjl posted...
Why do you think Platinum wouldn't have brought people in on the weekend to deal with the issue if it were a significant threat to the game's sales? A couple hundred bucks of overtime would be made up for by 5 extra sales, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
It's really weird to see the "support VA workers' rights!" brigade ask, "why not just have the corporation last-second cancel some of its workers' weekends to deal some stupid twitter shit storm?"
And why didn't they? Maybe because it could wait till Monday? Maybe because they wanted to take some time and put together their official response, an approach the losers on twitter could learn from.

At the very least, a tweet saying "Taylor's claim is inaccurate and misleading, we will provide a formal statement after consulting with our legal department to determine how best to respond" would have been 100% feasible to churn out at any time.
Kamiya said flat out it was lies, and look how that worked out for him.
He was proven right, and people are STILL trying to justify attacking him.
They had time, no reason to rush to give a response. If anything, the only mistake they made was Kamiya responding at all. Rash responses are usually ones you'll regret.